Channel: Resultados de búsqueda para “rare disease athletes college”– Grant Scholarship 2018
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Scholarships for athletes at the University of Surrey


This scholarship has been extracted from the BEST GRANTS WEB: Grant Scholarship 2018 - 2018 =)

The University of Surrey scholarships for athletes who obtained outstanding achievements for its performance of high caliber and thus manage to complement its sports facilities of the latest generation at Surrey Sports Park.

the University of Surrey’s High-Performance Athlete Support Scheme (HPASS) is designed to help the student athletes with talent to develop their potential sports, while they achieve academic excellence. The University provides studies adapted individually, solutions and practical services for students who are both specific to their sport and academic situation.

benefits include:

free access to the facilities at Surrey Sports Park
A strength and conditioning program for the student
Physical therapy and sports massage
Physiological assessments and advice through the Surrey Institute
Regular workshops, including strength and conditioning, lifestyle and the prevention of injuries
Nutritional analysis and the sports psychological support
A dedicated performance manager

Qualified students can also opt for one of the scholarship, worth £3,000. The selected candidates will be eligible to receive £2000 of services of athlete, along with a grant of £1,000 cash.

to be eligible must meet the following criteria:

reach the academic level of input required for their chosen career
Continue to meet the academic standards of its course throughout his time at Surrey in order to remain in the program of scholarships
Be internationally recognized by at least one of the major British sporting organizations: the British universities and College Sports (BUCS), UK Sport and Sport England. If not, should be a program via performance National Council of Administration (NGB).

All the complete information in Scholarships for athletes at the University of Surrey !

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